Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eclipse Europa

It has been a while since I posted on this blog. I had my head very much around other topics such as agile project management and .NET. Those won't go away but it's always good to hone your skills on different platforms just to stay flexible.

Today I installed Eclipse Europa. And I thought I pretend to be a novice user - which I probably am. So I went to the "Workbench User Guide" to get a refresher on the different concepts. As I worked through the guide I noticed that I had to actually click the different pages in the content tree on the left side. It certainly would be helpful if there was a keyboard shortcut, a button or a link that brings you to the next page in the guide. Having to click with the mouse is less conventient.

So far so good. I'll experiment more as I go, and post my findings here. Yes, my Eclipse skills are indeed a little bit rusty...

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